Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Throwback Get Over The Hump Wednesday

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 Throwback Get Over The Hump Wednesday

This morning around 7:30 a.m., I had a bright idea. I named today“Throwback Get Over The Hump Wednesday,” highlighting a blog post from one of my blogs. I have been on a cleanup and get organized mission for the last 48 hours with a laser beam focus on my digital real estate. As I was cleaning up and straightening things out, I didn’t realize that I have blogs that will be 20 years old within the next two years. My, how time flies. So, I want to share with you gifts and treasures that I am sure you will derive some sort of value from. And if you find no value, then share it with someone who could use an informational or inspirational read. Trust me, no one person knows everything. Okay, you knew that already. So, share it with someone who may not know. Check out one of my very first blog posts at on November 16, 2006.

Happy Reading, Gmompreneur"






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